Call for Expert Reviewers and Research Grants 2016 Announcement
The Foundation for the Development of Internal Medicine in Europe (FDIME) is again offering Research Grants to Young Internists/ Researchers who are interested to pursue research in the study of rare diseases in Internal Medicine. It is intended that research study projects should be undertaken away from their home country in order to promote European exchanges. The Grants are awarded specifically to assist with the cost of living expenses whilst the Grant Recipient carries out his/her research study in the host country.
1. Call for Expert Reviewers:
Prof Guillevin intends to renew the members of the FDIME Research Grants Selection Committee. He is therefore looking for Internal Medicine Experts to assist him on the Committee, and would like to ask for your help by either volunteering yourself, or by nominating a colleague. The key role of Experts is to assist with the evaluation of Grant Applicants and the Research Projects that they submit for consideration of a Research Grant. Experts across a wide range of Sub-Specialties in the field of Internal Medicine are required. It is anticipated that each Expert would be required to evaluate one or possibly two applications per year.
We hope that you may be willing to propose yourself or to pass this letter to another colleague who could assist in this way. If so, please contact Loic Guillevin to express your interest and state your field of expertise. Email: loic.guillevin@aphp.fr copy to: contact@fdime.org
2. Research Grants 2016 Announcement:
We enclose Announcement to eligible Young Internists/ Researchers (up to the age of 38 years) to encourage high quality applications to be submitted before the closing date of 3 June 2016.
Young Iinternists from EFIM member countries are the target audience. As stated in the Announcement, the eligibility criteria must be met. To obtain an application form, email: contact@fdime.org